2 years ago
Ontario, Canada

I'm not a speedrunner for this game, but I do try to perform these tricks myself in private (and sometimes in public servers). However, there are many instances where I match up the angle and power just right and the trick still fails. Since modifying the physics is banned, there's clearly something I'm doing wrong.

I hope someone who knows the game better than me can help me with my problem.

Vermont, USA
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

if you ask in the discord server, you're more likely to recieve a response

Michigan, USA

Adjusting camera sensitivity can change what subpixel youre pointed at and change the shot entirely. I tweaked my sensitivity when grinding for Mineshaft hole 6 and got wr after like 3 attempts after that

Ivory likes this
Stockholm, Sweden

keep in mind that you can change both the sg sens to get a specific subpixel aim and you can change the roblox sensitivity to get a subpixel on the power bar, even after that the shot may be timing based so try redoing it multiple times and if you still cant get it you can post the specifc hole ur trying to do and we may be able to give you the timing

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