Weird Display
5 years ago
United States

So sometimes I guess with the site is under the "Heavy Load Error" the page only half loads. Looks pretty strange. Using Chrome.

Maybe my Adblocker has something to do with it too. But this odd display of the message only happens sometimes. Usually i just get the page with just the heavy load message.

Developer Console

Active resource loading counts reached a per-frame limit while the tab was in background. Network requests will be delayed until a previous loading finishes, or the tab is brought to the foreground. See for more details m:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT ajax_leaderboard.php?game=Hades&verified=1&category=82784&platform=&emulator=2&video=&obsolete=:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 502 () vendor-speedruncom.min.js:3 [Deprecation] Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help, check send @ vendor-speedruncom.min.js:3

Edited by the author 5 years ago

its normal

Imaproshaman, HowDenKing and 2 others like this
New York, USA

Komrade's right. I get that all the time.

United States

Even the odd display overlap?

Iowa, USA

Yeah, I get that myself sometimes.

United States

Not to knock the site but shouldn't this be a thing that shouldn't be 'normal'? I don't know any other website where it's normal to show the 'stressed' webpage as often as this site does, does it not have enough bandwidth with the current service provider, is it not an option to move to another service provider? It seems a little unreasonable to get people bringing this up all the time for the only remedy is to tell them that it's normal to expect the site to be in that condition.

New York, USA

Whenever it happens I just refresh the page and more often than not it's fine. I don't find it that much of an inconvenience.

European Union

@Twan_Jones It happens when the site notices it's under load while you're loading the site, I mean, it's weird, but it's normal.

United States

I'm more so referring to the occurrence of how often the "The site is under heavy load" screen comes up, not that it merges with the normal site content at times.

European Union

Looking at the site statistics, it's still normal - we get more users every year, more games, more runs, etc.

(and right now is GDQ)

United States

You get the heavy load screen all year round, it might coincide more during events but the fact that it happens at any given time seems like it's a provider issue. Like I've mentioned it's not common for most every other site to display a heavy load page when a user tries to access said site. I don't know much about web hosting but it doesn't feel like it should be normal is all.


[quote=Twan_Jones]it's not common for most every other site to display a heavy load page[/quote]

Most other sites are either too small for that to be an issue, for-profit and thus can afford to directly cover their operational costs, or receive insane amounts of donation money. This site is fairly large, non-profit and from what I can gather doesn't get that much money from donations regularly (at least not relative to its size).

Imaproshaman and blueYOSHI like this