Remodeling a Game Page, and it's BUGGING OUT.

So, yea, I have these runs listed; or course, we click on the individual level pages, and the levels don't show up. Until I changed the first level from Solo to Coop (as part of new system implementing), then the run disappears from both Level Leaderboard and the IL leaderboard.

I'm aware of issues with deleting subcats causing runs to disappear, but I should have the issue addressed. However runs still aren't showing up?

Anyone run into this error? Anyone know how to contact side mod about this?


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Nevermind figured out;

The issue; The Timer with Loads w/o Loads and IGT all being abled was causing issues for runs that only had IGT's, was causing them to disappear, etc.

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Hmmm.. sort of an issue where milliseconds for RTA being blank causes the run to disappear on the individual board,

If you enter in 000 the millisecond portions for RTA, then the run appears, but it forces 000 to appear on the IGT as well. I do not understand, lol.

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