2 years ago
Illinois, USA
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago


Soupious, FlashGiant and 4 others like this

Following the Any% route and then doing a tiny bit extra to end is something that will not be added because it isn't interesting enough. Compare this to Nipple% which constantly grabs coins, or Light Cap which immediately diverges from the Any% route.

SpeedIn and FlashGiant like this
United States

This would basically be cap, then moon 1 or dss then jump to the cloud platform. This run is a bit to simple.

FlashGiant likes this
United States

plus, its extremely short and has very few different paths to take. It just isn't interesting

SpeedIn, VA4YT, and FlashGiant like this
Maryland, USA

If you didn't want it to be a thing then you wouldn't have made this forum thread in the first place. Please, use your brain next time before creating forum threads, its not hard...

FlashGiant, RedSlay9 and 2 others like this