Low% and 100% Item Collection categories?
7 years ago
Texas, USA

Can we get a Low% and 100% Item category on the leaderboard?

I know that this game has very little in the way of runners, but I have done a 100% route and run today-- it looks like a viable category to run.

The reason I say "100% Item Collection" over "100%" is because 100% gets hard to define beyond items. It could include map completion and a "settled" stamp on both the Vegas level and the boss rush. However playing the Vegas level doesn't really offer any benefits since there is nothing collectible on the stage, and the boss rush has a tendency to kill you when you complete it due to some bug, removing any credit you have. I feel that 100% Item Collection fits that bill. Also, I feel that the timing should end on selecting "End Roll" after completing everything since it is at that point that you lose control of your character and selections.

I have not done a low% run but it seems like it might also make sense since the boss fights and movement would change a little bit by omitting some items.

I intend to run these categories anyway for fun but having a leaderboard would be an added bonus.

Texas, USA

"All Items" certainly works and I feel that the save with all Items collected makes sense on where to end the run.

No idea on how 100% would be defined since there isn't any counter apart from the items, or if there is any way to define it.

If we could add all items and low% at least, will try to have some runs go up in those categories pretty soon.

Texas, USA

So I noticed something that seems to happen after completing a run today--apparently when trying to save on the stage select after completing the 100% collection, the save button just doesn't work. It doesn't save and for some reason pressing it does nothing. The only way to save after 100% is to enter a stage and save that way. Given that, is there something else we should end time on?

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