Need help with recording
3 years ago
Florida, USA

So i dont have a capture card and wondering if you can somehow display like livesplit without use of a capture card. if you cant any suggestions on a good cheap capture card? Any support would be helpful, thank you.


LiveSplit has nothing to do with a capture card, you can display it in an OBS layout regardless of how you’re capturing video. You might have to add it in post if you’re doing something like recording the video on your phone first, but it’s a completely undone dent program either way.

What consoles are you looking to capture? (and please define “cheap”; what’s your actual budget)

Florida, USA

I wanna stream and display a timer, I'm on xbox. If there's a way to display a timer without a capture card I'd like to know, but like 50 dollar range I'm a broke kid


$50 is a little low for an HDMI capture card, so I don’t have any recommendations for one in that range. Closer to $80-$100 might open up a few more options. Maybe someone else has one they can recommend.

United States

@Haz7a That capture card is unavailable.