All Pinata attempt Clarification
4 years ago

Even though the rules for the category don't state it, but would doing the Credits part be required during said run. Since it has to be done in order to get just one of the pinatas, with the wishing well.

Northern Ireland

Doing the credits part is unfortunately required since it's the only way to get the wishing well, and without that you can't get a Choclodocus, and as a result, it's Resident Award. It's not against the rules to use the "Piñata People" garden name to automatically unlock the credits in this category, but there isn't really any benefit to doing so since you'll need to resident all the blocked pinatas eventually. Unless maybe there was some benefit to setting up for the Choclodocus earlier.

ZkullDefence likes this

Thanks for the response, seeing how I don't want to end a run like this early I'll have to do this near the end. I don't know if it's necessary for me to play it this safe, but from what I understand the Credits are only accessible once per profile.