New way to shrine clip?
4 years ago

Yesterday, I was trying to clip into the Tena Ko’sah shrine and I had an idea. I horse clipped in between the outmost collision and the inner collision, then I made a fire near the inner collision. I faced Link’s back against the inner collision and sidled against the wall until it let me sit by the fire. Video of the clip here (Sorry for poor quality),_VA

United States

Cool but probably not useful like this since shield clipping is way faster

Massachusetts, USA

The link doesn't work. I want to see it ... I'm playing through BOTW with no blood moons and no towers, which means I can only get into shrines by clipping. After getting the Obliterator, I can't seem to clip into the shrines for Maz Koshia. Wondering if anyone has ever done it before... Looking for more ways to clip into shrines...