Unlock everything category?
7 years ago
Indiana, USA

I was thinking there could be a category where the runner starts a new license and has to unlock every cup, kart, bike, and character as quickly as possible. What do you guys think?

Jaypin88 likes this
Texas, USA

100% Has been discussed before on a previous thread or 2 and 2 runners (Me and PatrickPower2013) already have plans to do a run of that category.

Storster and Jaypin88 like this
Rhode Island, USA

my only concern is about Rosalina, since there are 2 ways to unlock her, and one of them is much easier than the other.

Perhaps it could be 2 different categories?

Jaypin88 likes this
New York, USA

@Royal I think that's way too far fetched for something like this. Why not just use the fastest method to unlock her? It's speedrunning for a reason.

During spring vacation this month I may do a 100% run (14th-23rd).

In the past 2-3 months https://www.twitch.tv/tripleh10234 has done a 100% run. Sadly he didn't highlight it. Such a shame cause I wouldve liked to scan through it. All I know is the time from his twitter post "Mario Kart Wii 100% done in 8:22:13!"

Maybe within the upcoming days Ill actually plan out this run. If 2-3+ people have runs of this. I could see this becoming at the very least a misc. category.

Jaypin88 likes this
Texas, USA

Having a Mario Galaxy save and just doing 100cc would literally be the same speed. You'd just get to an unlock screen sooner or later, but seeing how you'd already be seeing it either way, it's pointless.

Jaypin88 likes this
Rhode Island, USA

Perhaps I'll do a run of it when I've got the time

Would online be allowed?

Texas, USA

It would be pointless to do if allowed, but probably isn't allowed.

New York, USA

I wouldn't really allow online in the first place. Even if you did now a days I wouldn't since original wfc is gone. I know wiimmfi is a thing, but let's be honest. It ain't that good and stable

Texas, USA

I did a quick Google search and if you get at least a one star rank in all Mirror Mode Wii cups (Mushroom, Flower, Star, Special) you'll get Rosalina, so there is absolutely no reason for a 99%.

Storster likes this
New York, USA

Yeah I had no issue with Rosalina in my segmented run.

New York, USA

Yeah I had no issue with Rosalina in my segmented run.

Rhode Island, USA

"Having a Mario Galaxy save and just doing 100cc would literally be the same speed. You'd just get to an unlock screen sooner or later, but seeing how you'd already be seeing it either way, it's pointless."

Wut? How?

Texas, USA

You'll unlock Rosalina actually doing Mirror Mode at the end of the run so having a Mario Galaxy save would be pointless. Also, I finished my run of Unlock Everything.

IlluminaTea likes this
Rhode Island, USA

unless you WANTED ot use rosalina earlier in ur run :P

Texas, USA

There's no reason to use Rosalina earlier in the run though.

Rhode Island, USA

Yup. Also, is that you in your avatar?

Rhode Island, USA

You might want to use her on Bowsers Castle though, like Sro/Funbaba

Texas, USA

Why use Rosalina when you can use Funky Kong or a medium character? Either way, using Rosalina or not is arbitrary and you can use a Mario Galaxy disc if you want. Lastly, yes, my profile pic is a low-focus picture of my face and it's so dark because my light went out some time before taking the picture.

Rhode Island, USA

Rosa was thought to be FASTER than funky /daisy before on BD. she's still viable, esp if you rely on mini turbos.

my light went out some time before taking the picture.

Like, seconds before or something? or like you lost power? jw . and did you do low focus on purpose?

Texas, USA

The lightbulb burnt out. Also, what's BD?