What does it mean "emulators are banned"?
1 year ago

When I go to submit my recording, the only option under platform is "PC" and there's a message "Emulators are banned".

What does that mean exactly? I use the Steam version on Linux - so technically I'm running on an emulator? (Proton)


you are using a pc - the selection fits your run :)

discobeez likes this

Just for the record, even if it doesn't matter. Factorio has a great native Linux version, and it is in on Steam. So you are most likely not using Proton when playing Factorio on Linux.


And even if you run factorio trough wine -- it is in name: Wine is not an emulator it is runtime library wrapper. Binary does not know that it runs in different enviroment becouse that enviroment more or less (definetly more) mimics real windows library (dll) behaviour, up to point you can choose whitch windows version it have to mimic :D

Tandry684 likes this
United States

mine ses that too but im on windows so i cant summit my run

United States

Q: Speaking of Platform options, will Switch be added please? Maybe this question needs its own thread.