Feedback thread
9 years ago
Chicago, IL, USA

There should be an option to search by developer, in the same way that you can click on a series. Also there should be more openness high score based games I feel, even though it's called lol

Oxknifer likes this

@poopsey Definitely not a good idea. The like button is only meant to encourage positivity towards each other's posts. Having a dislike button just works the other way around. Showing an x amount of dislikes on someone their post which could otherwise be a perfectly fine post would just disprove it, likely unfairly most of the times.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Imaproshaman, Oxknifer, and Lonne like this
Texas, USA

Rules update:

  • Edit rules directly in the rules modal
  • View rules modal on run submission page
  • View rules modal on run viewing page
  • Don't show or disable "Game Rules" tab if no rules are supplied
  • Don't show or disable "Category Rules" tab if no rules are supplied
  • Instead of appending level rules to Category Rules, create a tab called Level Rules. Don't show or disable this tab if no rules are supplied.
  • Disable "view rules" button if no rules are supplied on any tab, or add text saying "No rules provided"

Edit 7/27/2023

Thanks for disabling Game Rules and Category Rules if none are supplied, and for adding text when no rules are provided!

Edited by the author 9 months ago
diggity, Quivico and 4 others like this
Texas, USA

Allow mods to add the same tool to multiple resource pages at once

diggity and dha like this
Texas, USA

Display a count in parens for guides, resources, forum posts, streams, and subgames. The image above reflects what the community page would look like (based on a quick tally of each of those).

For users, this would allow for a quick glance at community activity and promote engagement with those tabs.

Edit for updated UI:

Edit 07/27/2023: This was added in the website redesign and looks MWAH beautiful. Awesome job!

Edited by the author 9 months ago
dha, diggity and 2 others like this
Texas, USA

Drag and drop a png or jpg into srcom to upload for forum, guide, resource, run comment etc., Reduces need for Imgur or Discord for image hosting and enables quicker sharing of media on srcom

Edit 8/31/2023: Hey, it works! Thanks for adding this feature!

Edited by the author 8 months ago
Texas, USA

Bounties tab in the sidebar for all games. Posted by: Username on Date Column 1: Description Column 2: Prize Column 3: End Date Optional Column 4: Link to run in lead

Sort by nearest end date automatically. Allow users to show/hide inactive bounties. Notify users if a bounty is added to a game they follow.

Optionally add an srcom bounties page with a list of active bounties to hunt.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Slevanas, dha, and afnannen136 like this
She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

Could we ever get the option to select which variable applies to which ILs. Say only two characters can play three missions to have the variable apply to the three of them. Instead of creating the same variable for them three times. Which is incredibly inefficient and I don't know why this hasn't been addressed. Also sub category variables to select which categories too for full game. Why is it only one or all of the categories no in between?

Quivico, dha and 3 others like this
United States

we need a "set default platform for all runs without a value" option like we have with variables. Fetch-a-fruit switched platforms from pc to web, and now none of the runs have a platform. Fixing the platform for each run would take forever.


People basically never read the rules, so it would be useful to have a page that makes them read the rules when they go to submit a run. Would happen once per user per category and would only reappear for them if the rules are updated.


@TalicZealot Pushing the rules into people's faces is no solution to people who don't actually read things in the first place. If people don't read the rules, they should first learn to read them (as finding the Rules is not even remotely difficult) and you can inform them perfectly fine about the same.

Edited by the author 4 years ago

Seems like it is a solution to me, since absolutely nobody does read them. Yea they should, obviously, but they don't. That part aside, I feel like there should be a system to notify runners that a category's rules have been updated outside of a forum post, which they might not even see if they don't follow the game.


As someone who has spent many years developing user interfaces for people, I can assure that when you pop something up in front of the user, they still won't read it. They ignore it, close it, move on and then probably complain about it later on ("why did you pop that up, if I wanted to look at the rules I would have checked them myself"). If a user is going to read the rules, they'll do it on their own, and if they don't follow them, they'll just need to be told to read them.

As for rules being updated, something like a little push/notification icon like a red exclamation point or something on the rules button might not be a bad idea to show that there is something new there that should be looked at. That would probably just need to be ironed out because it probably shouldn't be there for every user (maybe only for people who have run the game or something).

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Slevanas, Quivico and 4 others like this
United Kingdom

My experience is that people who care what the rules are can find them on a leaderboard very easily with the current Game Rules/Category Rules popup. It works well. People who already don't pay attention to rules would ignore this feature as well.

Being able to push some kind of update message to people following a game would be a nice feature though. I think lots of people don't want to be notified of every forum post or guide update, but would still like to know about important things like rule changes, game updates etc. And yes discord pings exist, but lots of people also don't engage with discord much or tend to mute speedrun discords when they're not currently active in those games.

United States

(the like is on the first half of that post. I speak nothing of the second half with the more proper feedback)

As the old adage goes, "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink."


Would be appreciated if discussion regarding feedback points can be kept out of this thread, as this thread is meant for filtering out feedback for site staff to use. Having to go over multiple posts regarding one particular point of feedback such as where that discussion point is either reworked or changed entirely is not preferable. Create a separate thread if you wish to discuss feedback and then edit your post if the outcome on the thread's discussion is that the feedback should be changed.


Possibility to Show unofficial releases runs on the main page Possibility to scroll indefinitely with a "show more" button on the main page Change unofficial releases with a more appropriate name

Oxknifer likes this

[quote=dha]Show unofficial releases runs on the main page[/quote] @dha There's a toggle for this in your Front Page settings:

Edited by the author 4 years ago
dha likes this
Texas, USA

On Daravae's point above, it would be nice if the forum had a "reply" mechanism. All replies to a forum post would be collapsible and would thus remove the need for creation of new threads to have side conversations (to a degree). For reference, YouTube's reply functionality is pretty good.

Imaproshaman likes this