F2P Ironman Champion's Guild [NEW CATEGORY]
8 years ago

I have added a new category for OSRS. The rules: -Timer starts upon clicking "Accept" on tutorial island. -Timer ends upon entering the Champion's guild.

-Account type must be ironman.

Discussion points: -Are players allowed to use different clients (i.e. OSBuddy vs Official Client) -Should the Shield of Arrav skip be allowed? () -How should we do timing? OSRS operates on .6 second ticks and ideally we could use 3rd party software to count the number of ticks that occur between clicking "accept" and entering the champion's guild.

United States

I'm not a fan of Shield of Arrav, personally. I don't really do it because I don't like it and also because I personally find it to be a big inconvenience (and I don't even know how to multilog)

imo only the official Jagex client should be allowed for runs.