ascension pap: strat that saves a lot of time

THIS STRAT WAS NOT DISCOVERED BY ME, ALL CREDIT GOES TO boyle04 you start by taking the normal route, going up to power, then going to the lander next to the rocket, then, instead of going to the lander with the phd flopper, instead, go buy staminup and go to the lander nearest to it, once you do that, go to the lander with phd. then just make a run to launch the rocket, then just run all the way down to pack a punch.

BOZAK_115 and SlamZei like this

Yup stamina up really does save a lot of time. I'm surprised boyle04 got sub 4 while using this strat. I didn't even know about this time-saving method.

Edited by the author 2 years ago