2 new catergories?
7 years ago

Could we have a catergory and under it have 2 sub catergories which are retro and nitro races? And have them as full game not misc since it makes sence. Rules should be pretty clear like retro : do all 16 races under and for the other thanks guys post what you think i dont see any reason why NOT to add it so please.

Who would run it?? :)

(Make the category called Grand Prix Race or something then undermit have two catergories)


i wud run dat :P

DanSuper likes this

Yeah, it seems a little better and a lot shorter for beignners to run. But at the same time its not too short for a misc thats why it needs to be a full game catergory :). Also the credits get activated at the end of the 4 cups for both retro and nitro so this makes perfect sence for us to run :)

People cam run these amd the same time practise them for the full 32 races catergory its a win win

Also since its shorter more people may find it doable to start recording there runs so lets go mods please make this happen you can have it on trial for a week and see how it goes im sure itll be positive results may even get the game more popular not that that matters lol

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Tennessee, USA

i like that :D

DanSuper likes this
Texas, USA

I would definitely run this when I get MKDS on VC again. Also, MKWii has Nitro/Retro track categories, so MKDS should too.


Exactly my point @fricks

However the wii version leaderboards look so messy, if we just make it look proffessional and better it would seem more appealing to others because that wii leaderboards certainly do not lol.

Just an idea like i said before, Make 1 category call it Grand Prix Separate or something then uder it have two nitro amd retro i would submit runs to both of these if they get it offical (make them full catergories) they do NOT deserve to be misc since its like the full game in a way. Or we could just make two new seperate categories with no subs under them but then it would look a bit messy mods descion Cant wait for a mod to reply to this hoping for the best :D

Gelderland, Netherlands

If we would add nitro or retro tracks as categories they would have to be misc categories. They're not the full game, nor is there a cup for it.

Now to me the categories seems unnecessary, but since there seems to be a positive reaction. The tracks will have to be played in Grand Prix mode.

I'll let it sit for a week, and from there we'll see.

@Frikkinfriks14 No. Just because another Mario Kart has it doesn't mean that another Mario Kart should have it as well.


Goomba first of all thanks a bunch! Really appreciate it that you decided to add it. But come om bro why cant you make them full game? Why misc they domt deserve to be misc. Its basically a full game of 1 section in the game and considering there are only 3 sections in this game i disagree of what tou have done. Iv lost some motivation since there not full games please consider changing them :/ thanks again bro

Also why do we have to do it in Gp mode?... Why camt we do it in VS? We can change the rules to 16 wins and we can make it start at shell and itll finish at yoshi. lol plus the loads it will be annoying picking 4 GP everytime please also change this how its pretty silly

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Gelderland, Netherlands

Misc: [quote]But come om bro why cant you make them full game? Why misc they domt deserve to be misc. [/quote] Begging isn't going to change my mind

[quote]Its basically a full game of 1 section in the game [/quote] So it's a section of the full game. It's arbitrary to choose only nitro or only retro.

[quote] Iv lost some motivation since there not full games[/quote] What's holding you back from playing them if they're not full game categories? This is your problem, not mine or the MKDS Leaderboards'.

GP Mode: Because you can't choose 16 wins as a rule.


Alright Goomba it makes sence now bro :) will run this later on thanks again glad it was added :)


Also we should be able to do it in VS as you can make it 16 races as a rule... Lol you should try it out. Itll automatically stop after 16 race so whats the problem with that?

Gelderland, Netherlands

Yep I was wrong, was looking at wins instead of races, my b I'll change it to versus.

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