Elden Ring meme Legend - Let Me Solo Her: Receives a sword from The Company
1 year ago

This dude is a literal legend at this rate. 🗡

his legend is immortalized by all the memes and now the official sword sent as a gift is the cherry that tops the cake. 😉🍰

https://cyberpost.co/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/photo_2022-07-07_17-38-11-800x445.jpg https://cyberpost.co/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/photo_2022-07-07_17-27-12.jpg

Bandai Namco sent a commemorative gift to the legendary Elden Ring player – Let Me Solo Her – CyberPost https://cyberpost.co/general/bandai-namco-sent-a-commemorative-gift-to-the-legendary-elden-ring-player-let-me-solo-her

Edited by the author 1 year ago
Somerset, England

Why are you making yourself look like a bot

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