Any% Route Optimization
8 years ago
North Carolina, USA

I just finished timing all of the grand prix races in single series to see if I could be skipping different races that are slower for me for a better time. It turns out that there are a few cases where the route skips a race that is faster for me than a race it doesn't skip. Does this mean I should get better at the races that aren't skipped or should I make a route that's faster for me? My real question is if the route skips the races it does because that's the only combination of races where we are still able to win the grand prix or because whoever made the route chose to skip the races that were just slower for him. Any input is appreciated.


I see that not many people are active on this forum and I have not got any times on this game either, but It's very cool to see that you are so dedicated about this game. You should definetly keep posting the things you find even though there aren't many active people on the forum.

Now with the question you asked. I think the skips in the other runs are done, because those races take less time and you probably have to get better on them to get the best time saves. I'm not sure, but I think that is why.

North Carolina, USA

Thank you, I really appreciate your recognition of my dedication. To rephrase your answer, you're saying that I should keep that route and practice the races because they have the lowest possible times? Thank you for your response.


I believe that the others runners have figured out the quickest route. I haven't checked it, but I assume that they have done it. You can check "best total lap times" on records on the races that are in the grand prix and find which ones are the quickest. Then you can skip the races that take the most time.

North Carolina, USA

I will do that, thank you.


Yeah, just saw this, welcome to the frustration. I hate sunset Valley downtown. It's my least favourite track. But it's the most frequently raced track in the run. I'm finishing my degree next month, then I should be back to running this. I'll check your run and give you some feedback.

North Carolina, USA

Thanks so much!

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