Category Submission Confusion
5 years ago
Connecticut, USA

Now that the Guest Star categories have been split into Original, Wave 1, and Wave 2, I'm a bit confused as to which runs can be submitted to each category. I automatically downloaded both Waves of DLC. Does that disqualify me from submitting an Original run, even if I never use the DLC characters?

For an example, say I want to submit a Meta Knight run to the Original leaderboard. However, in my video submission it's noticed that characters such as Marx and Dark Meta Knight appear in the Dream Rod selection, although they go unused. Does that run get moved to Wave 2, or would it be kept in Original?

California, USA

It gets kept in original, The wave 1 and 2 categories are for the characters them selfs, not the update.

Connecticut, USA

Thanks for the clarifiication :)

United States

Yeah no worries, you’re even allowed to use update characters as allies. The only thing dividing the categories are which character you choose as P1