Do I need to have every players' pov in Genocide/TotT runs?
3 years ago

I know that you must include all players' pov in pacifist but idk about genocide and tott


i think yes, mostly in TotT

rocky says as long as everyone dead is in your pov it's fine in genocide


Actually the rules state that genocide and pacifist require all pov's. TotT doesnt require it but is highly reccomended

Edited by the author 3 years ago

That rule is bullshit, all the mods know as long as the requirements are met and can be proven in one pov it's fine

I'll solo then :troll:

He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

In tott,you pretty much just have to show that every dumpster/chest/cabinet etc is full.However in pacifist/genocide all players pov should be included.In genocide you can also show everyone dead.


When I said all the requirements are met, I mean as long as it can be proven that for each category (pacifist - no kills no ko, genocide - all NPCs [with exceptions like civilians] are dead, and take out the trash - all containers filled before ending the level) it will be verified. Obviously, for pacifist it is very hard to confirm that other teammates did not ko (if they kill it can be seen at the end with the no kills bonus missing) anyone, but this can still be done (technically, not really practical though). For genocide, again, as long as we can prove that all the NPCs are dead (with exceptions like civilians of course) it will be verified. For take out the trash, if we can prove that all the containers are filled then it will be verified. tldr - pacifist is really the only category where we need all POVs because it is hard to show that the requirements are met from one POV.

He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago


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