Username Change Requests / Account Deletions
9 years ago
London, England

Can you change my name to BeastlyBro26? I go by that username now and no longer by this current one.

United States


Can I have my username changed to "coderjo", basically the same just without the 'e' on the end.


European Union

Could my name be changed to "Rythin"? Thanks in advance :)

United States

JohnToThePast: A user named "John" has runs, so we're not deleting that account.

Ontario, Canada

Can you change mine to " Heloovaguy "? Yes its spelt right, thanks! Would be great to have the same as my twitch

Edited by the author 6 years ago
MaƂopolskie, Poland

Can you change my name to "RotKiller", thanks.

Valencia, Spain

Hi! I'd like to change my name to "Payrot" if it's possible, if not, "Payrotz"


Hi! Could you change my name to "TerroniaG0d" ?

United States
She/Her, They/Them, It/Its
6 years ago

If possible, I would like my name changed to SwordyMeeks. Thank you!

United States

Hi I would like to change my name to Daclister if it is possible?

Could you change my username to Flutter? The person with the name Flutter has no run and hasn't been online for almost a year.

@Flutter Done. But please try not to have such an ugly profile theme.

@Da-hitmane There's already someone called Daclister, but he hasn't been online for 3 months. Wait until it's been 6.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64, and Noice like this
Florida, USA

Can I change my name to Takami Thank you

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Nebraska, USA

Can I have my name changed to "FiJRE"

Pomorskie, Poland

Can I get my name changed to hoX? Cheers.

She/Her, It/Its
6 years ago

Can my name be changed to "Switz"? Thanks.


I want a name Change to "KimInTheAttic". That would be realy nice! :)

Ontario, Canada

Can you change my name to KingOf_JonnyBoy

British Columbia, Canada

Could you change my name to Ryukas? NessAtc is very old

United Kingdom


Could I change to JetpackAwaaay (with the 3 a's in Awaaay) because I spelled it wrong when I signed up, and it's spelled with 3 a's everywhere else.
