New OOB 5-4 (last room)
7 years ago
Franche-Comté, France

Hey guys,

I was just practising my strat for PS2 in the last room of 5-4 and I found this ^^ :

I'm pretty sure it's a new glitch, I've never seen this glitch before, but I might be wrong. The video is in French but we can easily understand and see what happened.

As you can see, we can almost skip the entire room by going to the final door (we don't even have to kill the red guy, but I killed him because of course I didn't know, I didn't expect to find this). I don't know why I didn't open the last door, probably because I'm dumb 4Head And probably because I couldn't retry the glitch after going through (of course I could have loaded a save ^^) The "open" appears on screen so I guess we can easily go through, we don't need a key for this door.

I tried to redo it multiple times but unfortunately I couldn't (I tried without Ditman and with a grenade as well but it didn't work), I thought it was easy to do because there are some glitches like that (with the door) in the game that are very easy to do, but apparently this one is very hard (unless we find a setup...), so I guess I was very lucky this time (as always when we find glitches ^^)

Don't hesitate to test it on your side and tell me, I don't think it's possible for all the versions though, but we can still try it. Also, even if it's possible on the other versions, it might be harder to setup because on PS2 (and probably PC 2007) the 2 guys almost always open this door by running like that, so it's a particular strat.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Danschemen, Storm and 14 others like this
Kentucky, USA

That's dope.

New Jersey, USA

5-4 payback time


PS3 is not possible D:


Seems correct

I didn't try it yet on Steam 60 Fps. If it works NG Pro could legit go to sub 1:30, that would quite be the time. But i don't want to have too much hope for this... It could be a PS2 only trick

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Franche-Comté, France

I tried to redo the glitch today and it worked, this time I opened the last door and of course we can go through and continue. I did it in a different way this time so I decided to highlight this as well:

I tried to redo it after this attempt and it didn't work... But this might be "easier" than the first one.

But yeah as I said above, to have the door opened like that is easy on PS2(/PC 2007), it seems to be random on the other versions. However, this might help:

What I do to have the door opened like this by the guy: at 00:00:01 I don't go left (quick turn or something), I go on the right so the red guy and the other one just run, then, the archer and the flail guy will always open the door like this. I don't think it's possible to have (consistently) the red guy and his friend going away like that on the other versions since the red guy opens the door very early, but maybe the archer and the flail guy can open the door by running like this if we go on the right as I did at the beginning (even if the amount/type of enemies is not the same compared to PS2).

Edit: This time I wasn't moving, I was just waiting for the guy to open the door.

Edit 2: I tried to time it by removing the time when I wasn't moving and it saves about 48 seconds (NG+ PS2), compared to a perfect (or normal I should say) room (door stays open, no damage, etc.), so that's a pretty huge time save. Of course, this is nearly impossible to do at the moment, but just to see the possible time save.

Edited by the author 7 years ago

I think there is a way to make this consistent. it's just another case of the Maxyskip and getting the right angle i think

Edited by the author 7 years ago
New Jersey, USA

When Maxyskip was first found everyone thought it was random. Since then we've developed a setup that works /every time/ with correct execution (hard!!!) With that said, I have some hopes that we can do the same with this glitch. From there, whether or not it is limited to certain versions is yet to be seen I guess

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