1-3 Letters
3 years ago
Franche-Comté, France

i'm the only one with an accent on it xd


@Danger_ there's numbers too, @0 , @1 , @2 , @3 , @4 , @5 , @6 , @7 , @8 , @9

Edited by the author 3 years ago

damn i'd take the letter f

MinecraftGaming likes this

@Oreo321 , @Pear that's not true I don't think, it's just certain accounts either

1.) Don't exist

2.) Have pings disabled

Edit: Nvm, this used to be a feature but now it has to be a non-space character, that's weird

Edited by the author 3 years ago

Also interesting that banned users get a free icon of their pfp next to their name, which I found out by checking out their profiles.



When you hover over the icon it doesn't say "original donator" like non-banned people.

European Union

@Sizzyl It doesn't say OG donator because they aren't OG donators. Anyone can have an icon now. Also what you described is not a bug, they're banned because they're alts of the exact same guy who put his pfp as a badge.


I am number 1

Ivory, MrMonsh and 2 others like this
European Union

@danger_ https://web.archive.org/web/20210117212658/https://www.speedrun.com/user/1

RIP custom pronouns I refuse to snitch on who the remaining accounts are.

Franche-Comté, France

@-, @@, @|, thoses are rly good names

Pear and Merl_ like this

Never though you could be named @ lmao

Merl_ likes this


Every character which is not a normal letter, digit or a dash; is considered a special character. You have to URL-encode them, and then put it in the user profile url. For example, to access user @ you write: https://www.speedrun.com/user/%40

Gaming_64, Amaz and 3 others like this
European Union

Isn't that a newline character? That would be funny lol

Edit: The absolute geniuses at ELO decided to host this site on machines running the insecure Windows Server OS. So actually being a newline might break something (assuming the site was coded by a monkey) since Windows uses \r\n instead of \n

Edited by the author 2 years ago
United States

[quote=1]since Windows uses \r\n instead of \n[/quote]

Curious, as someone unfamiliar with this, what would this impact?

Edited by the author 2 years ago
European Union

I don't actually know, but I do know that speedrun.com is 75% spaghetti, so probably something. (also \r\n is the HTTP standard)