How to stop clicking Livesplit during a run?
4 years ago
United Kingdom

So i was attempting a GTAV Trevor% run when i needed to aim for a shootout and i noticed that my cursor hovered over the splits i had on the left so when i'd left or right click with the cursor over, it would tab out of the game.

Is there any way to somehow lock Livesplit so it can't be clicked on when in a run? Also, sorry if this has already been answered on another thread :)

KaweedFul likes this

You have several options:

  • If you have two monitors, you can open the game on one monitor, open Livesplit on the other.

  • Open the game in windowed mode, while Livesplit is besides it. Not ideal because you surely want to play in full screen resolution.

  • Have Livesplit hidden behind the game. Not ideal at all because you want to see it during the run, of course.

  • Use the "Development Build" version of Livesplit, which can be downloaded here: This version has a new option in the "Edit layout --> layout settings", which is called "Ignore mouse while running and not in focus". This completely disables any mouse action on Livesplit (focus, left click, right click), as long as the timer is running. If you run this version, click "No" when asked if you want to update to the latest version (which for now doesn't contain this option). This version might be less stable than the formal release.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
CBLeo, Gaming_64 and 6 others like this
United Kingdom

ok thanks a lot i'll give these a try :)

He/Him, They/Them
4 years ago

Have Livesplit hidden behind the game

How exactly would someone do this? For me (on Windows 7) LiveSplit always stays on top of every other window, and I couldn't find any option to change that behaviour...


Edit Layout --> Layout Settings --> Always on top

Collinw97, Gaming_64, and GFM like this
He/Him, They/Them
4 years ago

Urg... why is that in the layout, instead of being in the general options?

Thanks a lot!

GMP likes this

Generally, layout is about appearance, and general settings are about functionality.

Gaming_64 likes this

A little necroing, but wanted to say that Livesplit has released a major version 1.8 a few days ago, and among other changes, it now also have the "Ignore mouse while running and not in focus" option in the layout settings.

No need to mess with the development build anymore.

Kelowna, Gaming_64 and 2 others like this