Auto Splitter/ Load Remover
4 years ago

Only did a small bit of testing but here's a few issues I found:

Timer starts only when first level starts, current timing start when the difficulty is selected. Timer is paused during all "non-gameplay" sections, such as pause menu, post-level menu, pre-level weapon selection screen (it loads until the Start Game button is available, but afterwards it shouldn't count as loading) and level fail screen.

KinzyKenzie likes this
New Orleans, LA, USA

There isn't much to fix that sadly. Especially for selecting off of difficulty. Most games change how they work based on actual loading times and not on the bases of specific parts, but idk I will work on it, but there isn't much I can do there besides removing pause menus and level failed screens

European Union

[quote=KunoDemetries]it's supposed to allow you to have time to change loadouts.[/quote] If the user has control, the timer should be running. It's as easy as that. I don't know if the in-game level timer is started during the loadout screen, because that would be debatable, but during an Any% run the timer absolutely shouldn't be paused there.

Haven't had a chance to try it out yet, will give it a go soon.

New Orleans, LA, USA

Control of what exactly, because then you should be timed for even starting the game because you have control of menus, it's to allow time to change loadouts; I am not going to change it because I have already moved onto other games, but I'll come back to it if it's an actual problem. Also, "easy as that" the other 20 games I've made these for all said loadout changes should not be counted, it's only this games whom has had a problem with allowing it, also there is no consistent load that I've found that even starts the timer when the loading is done; so IDK what you guys would like in that sense because I have yet to find an actual code that unpauses the moment loading is done aka when you don't click start level.

Also, just a little side note; any% is already messed up in that sense cause you start timer on selecting difficulty and not actually controlling the player; in which causes inconsistencies from every pc cause of load time differences.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
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