4 years ago
New Brunswick, Canada

Can someone explain how the tripple jump from "our first moon" works in nipple%. I have no clue how the second cap jump works, I'll keep trying it but i'm not geting anywhere so far

KilleDragon likes this
Basque Country

I think Mario touch a rock just before of touch cappy, so he can use ot again, but Im not sure; In all case, is so precise to do it I think lol lmao

New Brunswick, Canada

thank you soooo much

KilleDragon likes this
New Brunswick, Canada

I think I understand

KilleDragon likes this
New Brunswick, Canada

also killedragonyou just land on the ledge and do your catch cappy jump instead of jumpping "on" cappy

KilleDragon likes this
Basque Country

Ah ok, sorry And yeah, thanks @FroZen_WaTer_99 ! Maybe I try to do it well lol lmao

How many time can it save in an any% SpeedRun if you do well?

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Basque Country

@FroZen_WaTer_99 I realy prefer this tan the lake clip xd

Tako-sensei likes this
New Brunswick, Canada

im goin for it thanks again

KilleDragon likes this
New Brunswick, Canada

also FroZen_WaTer_99 you'r basically me in terms of speedrun acomp. I just cant record anything. I'm going to start Celeste though, (bc it passed SM64).

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