Looking for any more guides/references.
6 years ago
Michigan, USA

So this game looks dead, but I'm looking to get in on it. Just wanted to know a few things. Most notably if CAW's were allowed. You could really do a lot with someone with Perry's leg sweep and a maxed leg parameter. And has there not been an attempt on Heavyweight? That seems like one to go after.

Chicago, IL, USA

Hey Radman,

I'm also looking to run this game, but the category I would submit a run for doesn't currently exist (Survival Mode). I'd be willing to moderate this game as well as compile a list of rules if others would also be interested.

Hopefully this works out, and good luck running the game!

Zulite173WVGU likes this
United States

Same here, though I'd love to see an all titles run or basically 100% story mode.

I'm not sure about create a wrestler being allowed, well unless you think that would be a separate category. Though I would like to hope that the game isn't dead.

Chicago, IL, USA

How does one go about becoming a moderator and adding Survival Mode to the categories?

Washington, USA

Hello I would also like a Survival Mode added. You could even make one based on certain elimination styles... for example How Fast can you make 15 wrestler tap out, or defeat by Pin fall. Should probably be diffrent for each style... but I love the idea

JoeReinreb likes this
United States

Try joining the discord as a lot of the fighting game mods are on it and should be able to help get in touch with the mods