Request to become moderator
3 years ago
Rhône-Alpes, France

Hey , I create a thread to ask to become a moderator.

I've been playing hitman for years but i only posted a few runs but hitman 3 makes me want to be a lot more active on the Speedrun scene and help beginners.


Victoria, Australia

Hey Zanzibart:

At this point in time we have enough moderators but if you are interested in becoming more active within the community consider joining the discord and Frotes Speedrun Community discord.

Rhône-Alpes, France

No problem , thank's for the answer and I'll do that

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New Milliseconds Rule and Requirement for Speedruns under 7 Seconds

Hello speedrunners! We've come to the decision to allow a maximum of 3 ties for a world record where a 4th tying run will trigger us to convert the runs to milliseconds. The poll was pivotal in this decision and opened our eyes to how close this debate was. Because of this, we will likely reopen the

5 days ago
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