How can I apply for a request in the "meme%" category if my playlist is more than 1000 hours?
2 years ago

How can I apply for a request in the "meme%" category if my playlist is more than 1000 hours?


if you can record 1000h video and you have enough storage space If you can with the above, then you can.

London, England

im pretty sure you can submit runs more than 1000 hours


No, limit 999h

Zanum, LordParoah and 2 others like this
London, England

what im going to do is set everything above 1000 hours to 999:59:59, and say the real time in the description. Then, to sort the runs above 1k hours I'll change the date of the run to make it ordered.

Gaming_64, LordParoah, and sWinTuZ like this

why is it allowed to submit others videos lmao

London, England

people have been submitting other peoples runs for a while. its meme%, a misc category extension. submitting pictures is also allowed

London, England

cool slight change now the milliseconds box is gonna be used to do the placements because the changing date thing barely worked

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I come back from a break and see like 7 people bending the laws of space time to get a wr in a meme category wtf. The rules have been updated slightly to prevent a black hole from being created on the leaderboard.

  1. no paradoxes, this is something I was already rejecting beforehand, people just
1 year ago
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