Mines level 120 run
7 years ago

Having submitted a run for level 50 in the mines, I started thinking of doing 120. That's mostly because there is no run for that category so it could be fun to be the first one to do it.

However I'm now wondering if it's utterly pointless. The method I'd use is so boring it borders on idiotic.

  1. Sleep until halloween event.
  2. Spend day of event doing whatever around the farm, just get enough stuff to fill up inventory in whatever way.
  3. Do the amazingly fun golden pumpkin glitch/trick at the event.
  5. Day after, grab a couple of backpack upgrades at Pierre's, then run to Robin and buy approximately 12 stacks of stone
  6. Go to mines
  7. Just start crafting endless amounts of stairs
  8. Fly down to level 120 without actually doing anything in the mines
  9. Set world's most boring record

Anyone have ideas that would be quicker? Because I sure can't think of any


I liked it :! Its not that pointless on doing it... it just idk :! you know how many boring recordes are!?!

Newfoundland, Canada

Where are you getting mining level 2 in this route?

Virginia, USA

mine farm stones, if your lucky, you can get all the way to level 2 just on fall 27 (280 stones and 20 coal), you can mine a couple of copper ore in the mines as backup. I would expect this to take 25 - 30 mins total. Im kind of happy that it is just slow enough to not be worth it for level 50. Though you will have to get the energy (about 300 extra) I expect that getting blackberries on fall 9 or 10 for 100 energy, and buying 2 trout soup at the fish shop at 9am for 200 energy is probably the fastest.

Edited by the author 7 years ago

Yeah, I'll admit I hadn't worked level 2 mining into that, but I'm fairly sure you could get it done on the farm waiting for the event to start. As for the energy for doing that mining, the 15 parsnips you get at the start provide 375 energy provided they are all regular quality and none are eaten by crows. All it takes is a few rainy days or watering them manually probably once at most.

So revised route:

  1. plant/water parsnips
  2. Sleep through spring, making sure you get the required rainy days or water as needed
  3. Sleep through to halloween festival, use day to get level 2 mining
  4. glitch pumpkin
  6. Buy backpack
  7. Buy a build-by-numbers mountain from Robin
  8. Go to mines, craft stairs
  9. Create an actual slide down to level 120
  10. Claim all the glory

Missing anything now? :D

Newfoundland, Canada

What do you need the backpack upgrade for? 12 stacks of stone fits in the default pack.


Yes, but where are you then going to put all the stairs? Drop a stack for one stair until you've freed up one inventory space would likely take longer than just buying the backpack (which really shouldn't take more than an extra few seconds over running straight to the mines). Buying the backpack allows you to have a lot of empty spaces so you can make a lot of stairs at once and move down a lot quicker

Newfoundland, Canada

You have to walk into pierre's, buy the bag, walk out, which is at least 5 seconds, and then walk to robin's after that, which is another 20.

If you think it'll save that much time on menuing, go for it.


I just ran a very quick test that tells me it takes about 25 seconds longer to run to Pierre's for the backpack (fits in nicely with your estimates, doesn't it?).

25 seconds that mean you can craft 11 stairs at a time (I would keep the pickaxe on the bar for unfortunate rock spawns). The alternative is opening the menu and crafting one stair for the first 20 floors. Then opening the menu and crafting two stairs for the next 10 and so on. I doubt it takes less than a second to do one craft, so even at level 30 you'd have saved time. And you remove the run breaking RNG of being trapped next to the entry by a stray rock.

Virginia, USA

no need to worry about crows, since they only come when you have 16 or more crops. Not that it really matters, just figured I would mention it. Also you can go a couple of seconds faster by sleeping until the first rainy day since you can sleep faster if you have never left your house.


Where is info like that about the crows to be found? Seeing as how that's not on the wiki? Not that I'm disputing it fwiw, just curious

Virginia, USA

By reading the source code


That would explain certain aspects of your all bundles run! :D

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