Side Missions and getting better at swinging
7 years ago

This isn't exactly a speedrun thing, but I can't find any good guides on the web (pun intended) on this subject. As speedrunners, I believe you might be the most reliable source for information.

The side missions are really hard, all of them. And I want tips on how to beat them. I beat all MJ's missions. I'm missing the last Photo mission (I think it's the last, the mission on the island). I havn't started nor got too far on Pizza, Fighting Arena and Race Challenges. And I can't beat them, even with Spider Reflexes (and max swing speed of course).

Most of these requier precice swing, which I sort of have. I follow the speedruns and try to do short and boosted swings to keep my momentum. However, when I started a new game, I found that at lower speeds, I get downward boosts.

So, to summarise:

  1. What is the best way to practice web-swing at any speed for hopefully an actual speedrun?
  2. Can someone upload his playthrough of the side missions? Anyone who does that would be my hero.

Also, I use Normal Swing. I think Pizza missions would be easier with Easy Swing though. And forgive me for this messy thread, it's pretty late at night as I write this half asleep.

Edited by the author 7 years ago

I don't claim to be an expert of any sort first of all. I saw the fast swinging and then had to relearn from scratch to hold down jump at all times, and only let go after a swing. So that I'm always charging the jump. And letting go of it as soon as a web line shoots out.

Also this last week I've been testing an All Races speedrun, and if my PC would stop dying I'd try and upload a run, took just under 3 hours to do all of them.

You shouldn't need the swing technique to complete challenges though, it will just make them a lot harder. I think there's one or two youtube channels that have all the mega times as well.

Thanks Clown!

Here's a recap: I'm still struggling with the last Bugle mission, Completed all the Pizza mission (more on that later), Havn't yet started with the fighting arena. And so far completed more than half of the Challenges, ranging from Easy to Hard. They are pretty much forgiving with the Mega Times. I assume that they assumed players will attend them before reaching max swing speed, so I had more time to mess up and recover from that. (As you can guess, I don't quite find them hard. Well, I still have to deal with the Insane races, but these are the ones that probably do requier max speed)

As for the Pizza, Easy Swing helped alot. I charge my jump BEFORE the swing, and that caused me to perform air tricks and lose all the pizzas. The fact that you need 1 less bottun to release the swing helped too. Which makes me think, can you actually benefit from using normal swing, or is it just more "proffesional"?