Improving This Site
6 years ago

Suggestions & Ideas I know this community isn't the biggest nor the most active, but I think every game needs to have a polished and clean page for newcomers and veterans alike. Therefore I have some suggestions and ideas that I think could improve the usability of this site.

Give Me Your Thoughts Keep in mind these are not any demands, merely suggestions for the moderators. Feel free to give your own ideas and let me know what you guys think. ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Rules It's obvious that a game should have clear-cut rules for everyone to follow without exceptions. If there are none it's very hard to enforce fair competition between runners.

No DLC & DLC Rules Currently the rules only state: No DLC: "Complete the game without use of the Anti-Armor Pistol, Laser Cannon, or the Boost Machine Gun." DLC: "Complete the game using any weapons"

First of all, what does "Without the use" even means? What is the definition followed here? Based on this rule it seems atleast acceptable to pick up DLC weapons, since I'm not using it other than holding it. Is that acceptable or not?

Also, can I use it for melee attacks which makes Melee Dashing/Clipping possible? Does that count as using the weapon? It's obvious you're not allowed to actually shoot with the weapon but other than that it's not very clear what you're actually allowed to do with it.

The only fair way would be to only allowed picking up the weapons, but any other use (Melee/Shooting) is obviously then not allowed.

You get no advantage from picking up a DLC weapon, mistake or not you're not gaining anything doing so therefore it should atleast be allowed to pick up the weapons. This is because mistakes happen and it would discourage runners on PC to run the category. ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Time Starts & Time Ends

Time Starts I personally think it's way easier and convinient to start time after accepting "Skip Tutorial and begin game". It's easy and consistent timing method as opposed to once in-game and gain control over your character.

There needs to be an agreed upon rule for when time actually should start. As of now there is no such rule and therefore competition is not fair.

Time Ends Should time ends when you shoot the last shot on the final boss and he starts to fall back? Should time end when the screen turns to black? I have no real preference here but I guess when the black screen pops up would be more consistent method to end your time.

As said before, there needs to be an agreed upon rule so competition is fair.

Retime Runs After Rule Change After we agree upon whatever "Time Stars/Ends" we need to verify that the times of each verified run on the leaderboard is correct. This is because there has been no rules for the timings before and runners will have different ways of timing. Therefore to ensure accurate times we will need to retime the runs. ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── RTA or IGT (Optional) This is just whether you want to be extra clear when specifying the rules or not. When a game has a "Time Starts/Ends" it's obvious that the method is RTA. It's nothing needed but just a suggestion to provide rules that cannot be misunderstood. ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Encourage Timer I personally only think a speedrun needs to have a video to be verified to a leaderboard. However I think we need to at the very least encourage the use of some sort of timer as you can easily verify if their timing methods are according to the rules. ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Category Fixes

  1. Add Casual Auto (New Category)
  2. Add Normal (New Category)

These 2 difficulties present in the game is currently missing from the leaderboards, there are no reasons for not adding these.

Move A Few Runs After the new categories has been added I'd like to request moving a few runs:

  1. Pentalek's "Any% Casual (DLC) in 1:39:58" run is done on Casual Auto, while being in the Casual category. Move his run over to that category.
  2. Trekhaak's "Any% Casual (No DLC) in 2:30:14" run is done on Normal, while being in the Casual category. Move his run over to that category.
  3. GuyBB's "Any% Casual (No DLC) in 2:20:08" run has no video proof. I suspect it had a video once and it then got removed. Therefore you might want to remove it from the leaderboards, but I'm fine with it staying if the case was it had a video in the past but it then got removed. (Optional) ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Visuals of the Site

Background Currently the background for the site does not fit exactly and simply looks sloppy and messy. It seems the picture is only 1680x945 and not 1920x1080 which you would probably want.

Below is a 1920x1080 version of the image currently used. If you want it the same way as the current background you could also just mirror it. You can simply use any background picture as long as it actually fits the size. ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Rank Icons We currently use the standard and boring trophies as rank icons. I've made some custom ones we could use. These are just what I came up with, obviously changes can be made if so needed. ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Favicons Favicons is nothing important but doesn't hurt adding it. I just found an icon of the game and basically resized it down. Not sure how it looks when used but ou can just find another one to use if that's the case.

What Is A Favicon? If you don't know what a Favicon is, check on my profile here: •

You'll see a little icon next to the game that has a Favicon used. You're rarely ever on that page but it's just a nice touch to have. ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

Edited by the author 6 years ago

Use this image for the background instead. It will look better.


Can we have a ingame time as well? i would love to share my timer ingame as extra too.

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I’ve been working on this for the last couple of weeks and I’

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