Claire EP1 (survival might be relevant for skip?)
4 years ago
United States

okay so, backstory. I was test running Claire EP1 on survival and i'm not sure if it was a bug or not but the very beginning of the level where you push the bookshelf i'm not sure what i did but i did something and when the zombie pushed the bookshelf over on top of me i did the standing animation to knife then just clipped through the bookshelf, i was in shock and just stood there for a sec and my end time was 10:26 (IGT) again i have no idea how i did this and i googled it for a little bit but found nothing of anyone posting about this either.

EDIT: Its been about 30 minutes and I have figured out how to cancel pushing the bookshelf but haven't gotten any luck with clipped thru it will keep updated! EDIT2: I have to work tn but its a small shift i have to take, when i get home I'll link the video i have of me getting close to it. will be back soon.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
ZeZombieFace likes this
United States

Well, never hear about that skip. Maybe the others know better but I don’t remember seeing someone doing that. If you can redo it, that would be great! And if not, at least, we know it is possible.

Do you play on PS4 or PC? And since you speak about survival mode, does that mean you think it is impossible to do the same with the others mode?

xowidow likes this

Never heard of this either but this game is so broken I wouldn't be surprised if it can't be replicated. If you're on PC post your game settings like FPS etc, FPS is usually a deciding factor on if certain skips in Revelations titles work consistently

xowidow likes this
United States

I never had it happen but curious if it saves times etc. I have had several glitches/bugs happen in runs where I could never replicate them cause they just randomly happen. My best Claire EP 1 time is from one of those too

xowidow likes this
United States

The more i think about it and try to replicate, i'm sure it was just a random bug that happened, like Persona mentioned. I have tried a bunch of different methods, and none of them have worked, I got my sister who literally just doesn't play games muchless speedrun, to give input too see if i'm just overthinking and it could be something i just didn't try and none of those worked i even downloaded a cheat table to see if i could disable me getting grabbed still no luck. I only bring up survival because that's what difficulty i was playing on when i did it first and when i tried to do it again, i thought the AI would be different (only one i can think of atm is RE4). I play on PC usually with 100-120 FPS, medium graphic settings. I will forsure keep trying, and if i some how manage to do it again i will post here before anything.

Soulless_Persona likes this
United States

120 FPS is super busted for Rev 2 and can cause a lot of problems within the game and how it runs. 120 has gotten me some weird glitches both Raid and campaign so makes sense. It could be just a bug but may mess around with it myself sometime this week

xowidow likes this
United States

I didnt clip through the bookshelf like the glitch described if that is what you are pointing at

United States

So no, I have never done it before and would have shown it if I did. If you are talking about killing the enemy in one knife swing that Steven and others have done in SEVERAL get all knife upgrades and it is based on timing to do a crit. You kind of have to wait a split second. It takes practice tbh. But if you read the original post, he describes GOING THROUGH the bookcase entirely which I have never been able to do or replicate. So dont call me out on something I havent done hun. The only thing I have done is running in the prison earlier than normal and that run isnt even on the boards since it is random and unable to be replicated consistently currently.

This is the run:


it's not a "mistake" it's something that's been known about since like the first week of the game release. I found it myself and it's just been explained to you how it's done.

"you get all knife upgrades and it is based on timing to do a crit. You kind of have to wait a split second. It takes practice tbh."

also this thread was made talking about a completely different topic regarding skipping that whole zombie entirely.

You could replicate what you're talking about yourself with a few seconds of practice though.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
United States

No, no I am not. I am doing something that is normal for the game and this was done before I even ran the game by others. I am going through the run like most are with some stuff changed that I found to be better later on. I am not the only one who did it or knows of the knife. It is very common knowledge and you could have asked and I would have given you that info. I am not one to hide that sort of stuff Not even a glitch FYI. You are just able to do enough damage with a crit on casual and Normal.

They mean going completely through without pushing hun. I still had to push the normal amount of times and go through the normal knife swing. The person went through without going through the entire event.

Also Ref for someone else doing it:

Edited by the author 3 years ago
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United States

Make sure you have all the upgrades for the knife and IDK how to really do a tutorial on it since it is just waiting for a split second then doing the knife instead of doing it immediately.

likes this
United States

I'll try my hand at making a tutorial if you really want one, (Though I don't run this game much anymore) I had a relatively high consistency with it on both the Switch and PC version of the game.

Soulless_Persona likes this
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