Event Triggers help.
7 years ago

I'm brand new to speed running and in turn new to this game and chose to do knife only easy. I've only just learned up to reaching the trailer and already having some issues. In order,

  1. when you encounter mia just before getting the axe and she lies on the floor I've read it's timed at 10 seconds til you can get her up but a lot of the time nothing seems to happen for 30-40 seconds no matter how much I dance on her body am I doing it wrong or am I not praying to RNGesus enough?

  2. Getting the Hatch key jack seems to troll the shit out of me every 2nd run I do instead of doing the easily blockable attack and letting me through again is this something I have missed or is it RNG?

3rd and final one is The cop, again it seems 50/50 wether I get the instant trigger or have to wait another 30 seconds for him to appear same again RNG or am doing it wrong?

Edited by the author 7 years ago
California, USA
  1. I suggest going to the bathroom, pick up a med, heal, check the door to the other hallway, and then try to trigger her getting up. Walking over her body over and over will not do anything. You must try to walk away from her about 4 or 5 feet, and then try again.

  2. I believe sticking to the right wall in that hallway with Jack gives you a greater chance of him not hitting you while getting the key, but I believe his attacks/movements are still RNG.

  3. The cop will always spawn as long as you have checked the Locked Double doors (Ox door), and then go into the kitchen.

Hope this helps!

Edited by the author 7 years ago

Hey, Thank you very much for the help. The cop though by checking the door do you just mean press f and cancel? or do i have to actually try to open it? At the moment I just quickly F and Right click out, maybe that's what I'm doing wrong.

Ohio, USA

So I have a few strats that should help you out in those parts

  1. Maxylobes pretty much nailed it with Mia, but yeah what I do is after Ethan goes "what the fuck are you Mia?" I run to the bathroom to the window, heal, block myself a few times with the tub and toilet then run back to Mia. It's about 20-25 seconds each time. I also have splits marked for when she rises, so I'll see what my last split was then either add or subtract the amount of time remaining to 25 seconds. If she doesn't get up right away, turn camera back towards the wall where she will throw you then check her shins again

  2. So the hatch key is pure luck. I've had times where Jack has grabbed me, slashed at me, or missed me altogether. Anyway, I stick to the right wall straight towards Jack, then when I get a chance I pan my camera left and grab the key. Whether or not Jack grabs you is RNG, so don't worry too much if you do.

¤There's actually a good time save here too. If you grab the hatch key then check the ox statuette and use the hatch key on it before heading to the laundry room, it'll actually make the cop spawn faster using the strat that I'll provide below

  1. The cop will spawn as soon as you check the ox statuette door, but there are two conditions. One is to check the ox statuette door and using the hatch key before going to the laundry room OR checking the ox statuette door by just pressing F-Cancel after leaving the laundry room. If you check BEFORE heading to the laundry room, run into the kitchen and stand to the left of the trash can for a second. You'll hear knocking on the door and boom, time save

Hope this helps, any other tips let me know!

maxylobes likes this
Alsace, France

Yo buddy, GL with running the game here are some tips

  1. That Mia trigger has always been a problem for me, I just recently figured out that there is a "perfect spot" to stand while staring at her to get the trigger instantly without even moving. It's pretty hard to explain but you have to be at the perfect distance from her and stare at her right leg (that means on your left). She'll get up and grab you, no need to get the heal or whatever voodoo dance we used to do and pray we waited long enough LUL. I'll explain my "setup"; when Ethan gets up, I stare in a precise angle towards her leg (the one next to the wall on your left) I take 3 quick sidesteps on my right and wait for her to get up. I know Uhtrance is doing that perfect trigger too but with a different setup, I think you can easily check one of his VOD on Twitch. No matter how you do it, you just have to find the perfect spot IMO, that requires some segment tries. Or you can stick with the old way; Counting 11 secs from the moment you control Ethan again, do whatever you want while waiting, and go back to her when you finished your countdown.

  2. Hatch Key is basically RNG, you can get it 5 time in a row without Jack grabbing you or 5 time in a row with Jack grabbing you. Just clench the harder you can haha, Jack has a few "behavior patterns" here; He can grab you instantly, he can let you pass to grab the key THEN grab you, he can let you pass then swing his weapon at you (In that case you block, 180° rush for the door F then cancel and pray that he's not blocking your way back)

  3. To trigger the cop scene, after you grabbed the key, rushed for the main hall door then answered zoe's call, you just have to get out of the room, rush for the trash bin in the kitchen then rush for the window where the cop spawns. You can tell if you triggered it because you'll see the reflection from his flashlight on the dinner room floor !

Hope it will clarify some points in your mind. Feel free to ask other questions if you have some, it can be useful for everyone to get peoples' experiences with all the strats

Edited by the author 7 years ago
s1a1n1d1i and zgl like this

This all helps a ton thank you for all the detailed tips. And thanks especially psarthex as its your video I'm learning from. I'm sure I'll have more questions when I get round to learning the 2nd half of run.

zgl likes this
Alsace, France

You're welcome pal, feel free to hit me even on twitch if you have questions ! I don't really know all the specifics knife-only strats that well since I only did a few runs in that cat, but i'm sure Maxy knows more than me about that since I just kinda replicate what I saw from his run and applied my NG+ knowledge to it

zgl likes this
Bosnia and Herzegovina

psarthex will you go for the 100% WR as well ? not many people are runing it,you could do Madhouse any% NG+,it would be funny if you had WR on all of them

Edited by the author 7 years ago
zgl likes this
Alsace, France

I'll do some attempts yeah, but only in Augst probably since I have to run NG+ for a french speedrun marathon in a few weeks and I don't want to be confused by others strats I could learn from Madhouse or 100% because tbh I can easily mix up things and I don't want to make silly mistakes while presenting the run Kappa

zgl and s1a1n1d1i like this

I found a hatch key strat that doesn't require rng but it loses 0.08 secs around that. What you do is you run slightly to the right of jack, not all the way at the wall, but not all the way at jack, once jack sees you look to the right of the hatch key and it will take you away from jack and he'll fail to grab you, then just grab the key and move on with your 17 mins of a run you didn't want to be ruined

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