Hey there!
5 years ago

Hi! I just want to introduce myself. I'm ZeldaPirate and I have been doing speedruns since a few years ago xd. The truth is that my main speedrun is the Twilight Princess (and Star Fox Adventures), but I always wanted to do the Skyward Sword speedrun because I love this game. I have recently done one but I lost a lot of time, like 2 and a half hour more later in contrast of other runs. So... can you give me some advise? I know the main think it's to practise and practise to improve but if you could give me more advises I would be very grateful.



Kitcot and Audiokillers like this

Hello, I’d recommend joining the SS discord server ( https://discord.gg/fa5kpVa ) as you’ll get a better response to questions there. Unfortunately, offering general advice doesn’t really work because nobody knows what you might be struggling with. I’d recommend finding some parts of the run you have trouble with or don’t understand and asking specific questions on those parts. That’ll help people give you the best advice instead of them just guessing at what you need help with.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
Floha258, ZeldaPirate and 2 others like this

All right! Thats what I'm going to do :DD

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