LiveSplits lags
8 years ago
She/Her, It/Its
8 years ago

I'm running Polarity with friends , and we have lags when we split , we press the split button , and he takes 2 seconds to change the segment. Is there any way to fix this lags? Thanks :) PS : dev build don't fix lags ;) PS2 : lags are not only on Polarity


On the settings page :

Make sure the delay is set to 0

She/Her, It/Its
8 years ago

Its happens only the morning 4Head and the delay is 0



Punchy, yyna and 2 others like this
Victoria, Australia
He/Him, They/Them
8 years ago

Maybe give the computer a coffee?

xDrHellx, 64couette and 2 others like this
She/Her, It/Its
8 years ago



Seriously guys, is a major problem since it makes all times inaccurate at all. Is there any solution to fix this? This happens whenever I'm using it at any time, I mean always.

Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

Maybe your PC is too slow?

United States

@McBobX First, the thread is half a year old. Would've probably just been better to make your own if you were having issues.

You don't need splits even, just a recording that you can time afterwards, so if your computer can't handle LiveSplit and the game and recording, either try other splitting programs like WSplit or just don't use one at all. Alternatively, delete LiveSplit, redownload it, and see if it's working any better then.

Dendris and xDrHellx like this
Victoria, Australia
He/Him, They/Them
8 years ago

Eh, I don't think it's a problem to bring up an old thread if the issue is exactly the same.

McBobX: Is the issue the same when recording? Do you get the same lag with other splitting programs?


First, my pc specs are: CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 @3.00 GHz RAM: 3GB GPU: Nvidia GeForce GT610 As you can see my computer can run livesplit very well, but recording or not, the issue is the same even if it is the only opened program. For some reason, whenever I downgrade to a lower version, the issue start disappearing, like from 1.6.9 to 1.6 to 1.5.2, and in my Kirby's Dream Land run, I used 1.5.2 which looks good however, many features don't exist in earlier versions like adding a background image (I know it is possible with OBS but I prefer it inside livesplit). So versions later than 1.6 are great but they contain that lagging problem. Note that I usually record the game and the timer separately except MM Rock Force and MM Unlimited as Z-Proto Easy that was recorded at the same time with Livesplit but that doesn't affect any changes to Livesplit lag issue. I was recording runs without any kind of timming but I like now a splitting program to be added to the video because splits helps me or the viewer to know what will happen next (e.g: routing a Mega Man game). About how old this thread is, actually I didn't know because my phone always show me "NaN years ago" in date in whatever place in or "NaN-NaN-NaN" - lol

Edited by the author 8 years ago

I think I'm going to stay use Livesplit 1.5.2 since it's the only version that worked correctly for me, unless if someone fixed or found a solution to that bug.