Tv Glitch Basement 2
1 year ago

Hello I watched a lot of speedrun on hello neighbor but I realized that in the basement of act 3 I was doing the glitch with a kind of fake house on the screen but there are a lot of people doing the glitch with a tv I've been on it for 3 hours now and I haven't succeeded once I manage to propel myself in the air and touch the wooden thing but when I land the shadow moves anyway and the fence is there can someone help me on that.

Grab the tv, stand before the gate activated, look straight down and charge a super throw, look slightly up and then release the throw and spam jump.

Menzo_42 likes this
Haute-Normandie, France

or you can do it with the panel actually i think it's more consistent

Haute-Normandie, France

Grab a panel from the entrance Go near the thing Jump and throw the panel below yourself The second you fling up start holding S Tutorial : Instatex's sub 6 run (timecoded)

thanks Damascus for the tutorial

Texas, USA

menzo's question was 7 months ago lol

GoofyAhhAgu likes this

Yeah but why not lol


When I was starting the hn Speedrun lol

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