New Runner, want to make sure I'm on the same page
9 months ago
United States

Howdy howdy, I wanted to take a crack at speedrunning JG now that it's on Steam. This'll be the first thing I've ever Speedrun(ran?), but I've got OBS and Livesplit sorted. Before I do anything, I want to make sure I understand how things will be timed, and any other requirements/restrictions that may not be clear. Thanks in advance!

United States

I have a run. It is not good, but I have a run

Virginia, USA

Some suggestions you should probably turn up your bitrate in OBS and make the timer smaller since it takes up alot of screen space and timer starts on first frame of the classroom being visible and ends after defeating the last boss

United States

Thank you. I don't know how much I can afford to turn up the bitrate before it starts tanking my frames, but I will try. I was already planning on shrinking the timer a bit since not being able to see my health and energy is pretty painful.

Also, is Ingot required for All Bosses? I assumed he was, but other runs seem to skip him? (And in a similar vein, are we allowed to skip Suckerpunch if we get a plunger?)

Edited by the author 9 months ago
Virginia, USA

I don't think ingot is required and for suckerpunch he is considered a boss but you can skip to the clog once you kill him and kill the clog if you already have a plunger so you don't need to wait for him to give you one

United States

Got it, thanks. I wasn't sure given that Suckerpunch's fight can be instantly ended if you enter with a big enough plunger. The wiki says it has to be the plunger he gives you, but it's entirely based on scale.

I'll try some more runs soon. Hopefully car strats pay off.

United States

Why did you not fight Toeny? Is he not counted as a boss?