PG3D Speedrunning Discord
3 years ago
Indiana, USA

Since the community is picking back up in popularity, I made a Discord server to go along with this spike of new following. In this Discord you can talk about anything PG3D related including new records, strategies, etc. There is also a faq (Frequently Asked Questions) section that you can use to ask us questions about ourselves and different things about the game that you are puzzled about and so on. The server is in it's very early beta mode, so there's not that much in there. I just created it before I wrote this essay. I can't wait to see what can come of this and what times that you all will push the runs down to. It's pretty exciting. I will start running the game again once I get a new phone. Mine broke. Rip. Have a nice day/night everyone!


Link to Discord:

Edited by the author 3 years ago