I need help doing nidoran manip
5 years ago

I'm finding it hard to get the manip for nidoran right

Edited by the author 5 years ago

Which emulator are you using ?


I'm using the gambatte-speedrun emulator

kepler69c likes this

Are you using the easy long manip or the 'hard' manip ? Gambatte-speedrun is the best emulator for the manip. Are you doing the reset (on the right tile) with SELECT+UP+B then START then A ? If you miss that, you'll never get your nido. If you have trouble with A presses, keep in mind that the A presses affect one tile on the map, and you need to press A when you 'enter' the tile. Idk how I can explain that better. You also need to don't press any button at the BIOS screen when you reset the game.



kepler69c likes this

Btw I'm using the easy method