5 years ago

Hello fellows, I ended up on this game and I think it's pretty cool, I'll definitely try some runs today, so to start with I watched the World Record video, it was pretty cool, interesting how perfect was his timing while start and stop splitting !!! So I watched the 2° place and the 3° place, and everything is now pretty clear, everybody splits whenever they want and the mods approve their split times on the leaderboard.

I'm here to stop this (and to run the game lol). There are plenty of tools to re-time a video directly from youtube, or you can download the video from twitch and re-time with other programs. You just have to set a starting frame and an ending frame and re-time the runs !!!

You can change whatever number people put on their submissions, if you like to, you can add a "Mod Note: retimed to xxxx" in the comment, but there's really no need to. You don't reject a run because it's splitted wrong, you re-time it. You re-time every single run to mantain leaderboard accuracy, especially in a game where all runs are pretty close toghether.

So... if you don't want to re-time all the runs by yourselves, I propose myself as a mod, I'll just re-time everything. You can check my profile, I mod a lot of games so I guess I can be trusted :)


Hello! Yes I hear you, We are working on resolving the issue, So far I had retimed three of the biggest but still need some more to do before they get officially changed in the leaderboard.

Melwing17 likes this

here we go again, @ssjhenrik doesn't even know forum exists

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