How to setup & use the Debug Menu
How to setup & use the Debug Menu
Updated 3 years ago by Skulblaka17

Before we start it's important to remember that using the debug menu during a run is forbidden and will make a run invalid.

To set it up you need to completely close ori if it's open, go into your drive where windows is ( which normally is C:\ ), make a folder called "temp" and make an empty text file called MoonDebugPC You can create this file yourself or use the Debug Enabler found here: This works with ORI Definitive edition bought through steam or GOG only.

Once you have created this file you can close everything and launch the game. During any moment of gameplay you will be able to press Alpha8 (the number 8 on the keyboard, but not the one in the numpad) or the right analog stick to open the debug menu.

All the following will take into consideration default bindings.

  • On KB To move use arrows, but take care that the up arrow will cause any numeric parameter to go down. Press W (= charge jump) to decrease values Press Shift (= glide) to increment values. Press X (or your proced button) to select and deselect Press Esc to exit.

  • On Controller To move use °°° Press RT (= charge jump) to decrease values Press LT (= glide) to increment values. Press °°° to select and deselect Press °°° to exit.