can someone make an any percent beginners guide?
5 years ago
United States

i know the path i have to take but...(i need help)

Washington, USA

uvideo, tomppaa, and I are working on one; it's currently in the scripting phase. We have one video done covering basic stuff about the game you should look at, and there's an old guide by tomppaa you can use. Both are in the guide section on the nsmb2 page. If you have any questions, feel free to ask us!

United States

yeah i saw the first one in that series but i know stuff like RUNNING IS FASTER THAN WALKING so my nickname for it is s beginners guide on how to play nsmb2 (no offense)

Washington, USA

There's a table of contents in the beginning, and there's some other stuff that's important, such as dash flying and how the coin counter affects the run. If you don't know those things I suggest you watch that section of the video, and still, there's tomppaa's old guide to look at, which covers each level individually.

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