There needs to be a change of the Roblox Submition Board notifications in 2021
Alaska, USA

During this past year, I've tried 3 games in a row hoping to get some sort of notification. All I got was no notification, having to post things to tell me where the heck are the messages. I think if the runs do get rejected, or not, should let us know in your Direct Message page so that way we know we don't have to try like 10 times getting it notified, by 2021.

Is it me or did this sentence make no sense? XD

Trash likes this
United States

I agree, my submission hasn't been accepted or rejected for a month now, I am looking for it and can't see anything. So Quantum, or any of the verifier team, please respond on a 2 week time, if it is neither accepted or rejected by 2 weeks, well it might as well be rejected.

Alaska, USA

Quantum is probably not gonna notice this, I bet. I never see him contact a single Forum of what I'm seeing. So our hops would have to be the other verifiers.

Flevoland, Netherlands

@Trash @SpeedGlitchedTrevor Did you try joining the Discord? You can easily contact him there.

Alaska, USA

Not planning on getting discord... yet. Trash, if your reading this, it's up to you.

United States

Do I just contact Quantum?

Flevoland, Netherlands

@Trash Of course. You can ping him there, he usually doesn't mind.