PSX Timing
5 years ago
Sardinia, Italy

Hi Pandora, I've seen that you added 21 seconds to the final time. It's okay, maybe I'll do a faster run in the future. Best regards.

Pandora likes this

Alright \o/.

Now I'm more familiar with the PS version. I think going from new game to fade to black in timer is the most accurate timing method. I put those same rules in Single Levels, timer starts when entering the password from Load Game, until screen fades to black.

MadPunkerz likes this
Sardinia, Italy

I've got another question: am I allowed to use the special powers unlockable in levels 1 and 22 for a future speedrun?


You mean for PSX? I thought that version didn't have special moves (correct me if I'm wrong tho).

In any case, I can create different categories to allow cheats, but I preffer to maintain "Any%" without cheats/special moves.

Sardinia, Italy

Nevermind, after trying for a hour or so I concluded that there are not special moves for PSX, or at least they're not unlockable in the same way as the SNES version. By the way, the "CH3T" code is useless, you're not really immortal, as falling on spikes or in the water (except for Eric) will inevitably kill you.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
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