Category Proposals
6 years ago
Ceará, Brazil

Pistol, Shotgun, No gunpowder, Light Mode (good thing about this, magnum is faster 4Head), All Bosses (including nikolai chopper)

I'm trying to think a good definition to 100% (or Platinum% or Master%), we can think about the name after.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
West Lothian, Scotland

NG+ Nemmy%

len-spdrun likes this
United Kingdom

Magnum is faster for light mode? @allancg I like the idea of light mode, did a race on it a few weeks ago, was fun.

Ceará, Brazil

@Symm im not sure yet, but you start with magnum and 24 bullets, that should be enough to finish the game, with one cycle worm.

Edit: I just tested @Symm its not possible to one cycle the worm with the magnum in light mode, so GL still faster.

The best route for light mode is problably pick up one B powder in the Clock tower and the freeze rounds that Carlos gives to you (12 in light mode) then combine the rounds that comes with the GL with the B power, this will give to you 12 acid rounds (light mode), this should be enough to finish the game.

Edited by the author 6 years ago

Starting handgun only (no eagle) nemesis%, shotgun only nemesis%, magnum nemesis% (not magnum only,all weapons except the grenade launcher allowed), soft kill all (kill all enemies that are in the rooms you go through) all difficulties as variables (original heavy, original light, arrange heavy, arrange light).

United Kingdom

Love that we have category extensions now, this was a really good idea. Not sure we should go super overboard with a million random categories though... but light mode could be cool and I like handgun only as a concept

Symm likes this
Florida, USA

I do think we should add a 100% to this. I'd define it as:

All unique items & weapons, and using all items (for example, STARS cards at computer, possibly looking at password in Pharmacy, etc) All unique enemy kills (including Worm 1) All files (including Jill's diary, so must be collected in order) All Nemesis encounter kills (including Carlos and on train) All doors unlocked/all keys used Canon ending

I want to propose Brad%. This consists of reaching the first Nemesis fight outside of the police station, and dying by taking Nemesis's tentacle through the head.


Yesterday I tried a new category called "Nemesis% Starter Weapons Only". It's like Nemesis% but using M92F and knife. I didn't put "M92F only" because I used the knife in waste disposal fight (using pistol in that part is painful because of the aim). For now it's a prototype run but I wanna contribute with something =).

This run is gargabe but it was a first attempt:

keny likes this

How about defeating all enemies with a knife?

Liv likes this

I call this the "Fragile Knife": Knife only, but you can only equip it during CT nemesis and acid nemesis. You must unequip it whenever you are not in these encounters. Bonus points for swinging it the exact required amount of times, which, if i'm not mistaken, is 85 slashes.



I think that "All Bosses" sounds good. Generally, I agree with your opinion. Defeat Nemesis with Carlos, I think that it is even better if you add it.

Also, Nicholai's chopter fight could be defeated with Jill's knife?

I thought that I can not beat it unless use a rocket launcher or a grenade launcher.

What I was thinking initially was simpler, I thought about not only Nemesis and Grave Digger, but also zombies, zombie dogs, and all other monsters, to beat them.

The bottleneck of this idea is that it takes a lot of time, but I think that it is easy to work out if to divide the stage and to allow play in segments.

"All Bosses" is very attractive, I'm happy if you also consider "All Monsters".



I think that feasibility is high, so please proceed with consideration from "All Bosses" first.

I think that it is still necessary to consider the rules for "All Enemies Kills" of the knife.

I will appreciate it if I get the time without hastening the conclusion.

In addition, this category is Nikoniko and several Japanese are challenging. And what has been no-save and time attacked is present.

I will introduce it as reference. The time was 3: 56: 45.

PC版バイオハザード3 ノーセーブでナイフ殲滅

Liv likes this


Run finishes when you arrange Loss in your inventory.

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FAS              First Aid Box Backdoor Key Reloading Tool

len-spdrun likes this

Hi. I proposed it in the RE3 speedrun regular forum. Nemesis% (or all bosses) without GL (similar to Magnum Route). That open new routes and strategies; you can use the magnum, others can find best results with eagle, etc). Thanks!

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