Questions for mods and maybe other players
2 years ago
Illinois, USA

Do mods really look at the seed we put in. Like yall go to the world and make sure it is a legit run.

What is the real reason we have walls to make houses when the mobs are programed to attack your stuff. Especially when the game goes on there are more and more of them bosses mobs ect we need to kill.

Why is there nothing for obama ore. (not gonna spell it) Like armor or at least a cool weapon.

Why do you need both POV for a 2 player run. One POV shows the time and everything right no set seed no nothing. Why do you need both POV

Also what are your favorite things about muck why do yall speed run it?

I know you cant answer some of the questions but if you will try your best I would like that

Manitoba, Canada

Im just a player so I cant 100% answer the Mod related questions but heres my take:

  1. Not sure how much mods will look at the seed, but it is necessary to have so that chests can be checked and statue locations to make sure nothing was tampered with

  2. I have gotten late enough into a game where my power level and my buddies was strong enough that we could one shot most bosses and keep our structure together but i agree, for general purpose, building is something that hasnt really come to fruition like one might expect.

  3. Obamium is actually required for crafting the black sword you get from black gem guardian drops

  4. Not sure on this one but I imagine it's just for integrity of the run

  5. I love how simple muck is at its core and how memeable it is, but it has elements that make for a very fun speed run. The movement tech and combat is very satisfying to me.



As a mod:

  1. Only runs that use the /seed command to end there run so if you show the seed before the run starts we dont check it

  2. AI pathfinding while still janky has been tweaked in recent updates so they favour structures to stations but i agree with jibs and the building system isnt great

  3. Look at jibs but it might be required to start the ship idk

  4. It's for verifying purposes and it makes the runs a lot less likely to be spliced or hacked

  5. Because i have no life :p jk

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On the 2nd of January, Aveey, 42Moist_Salad, sseibel, and dreewwy started the year off strong with a brand new 4 player Set seed World Record! They improved the previous world record by almost 30 seconds!

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