Revamping/Improving The Community {Minor Changes}
8 years ago
Hawaii, USA

It is in my best interest to help this community out, as it is a small one with a lot of potential.

I start this out by saying, we need more runners in order to have a larger, more competitive community. The best way, in my eyes, to spread the word around via forums, twitter, and /r/speedrun. If you know anyone who may be interested in speedrunning this game, please tell them.

Not only would more runners be more fun, it will help a lot with routing after Jungle Compound. I notice there are no times for San Poncho and above, or so it seems. All of the maps have potential faster ways of being beaten (on PC anyways) and with more people there is more potential to discover new routes and ideas.

The next thing in order to better this community, That I will be doing personally, is creating more resources and guides for newer people or people who want to get even better. You're never too good to learn something, and helping out is what the speedrun community is about. I have already uploaded Center Perks splits in resources and a thorough guide for Center Perks (both glitchless) and will refrain from doing so for other maps until routes are optimized. (Except stalag wr is pretty good but can definitely be beaten)

I hope anyone reading this will/can help and I hope to see more runners or just people in the community helping out. :D

United States

You can asking for people here Also I have routed and finished San Pancho but I stop my recording at some time I didn't know so I couldn't submit the run it's was about an hour or so.

Hawaii, USA

ah thats a shame. I will get to optimizing some of the maps after I get a good Stalag Time.

Manitoba, Canada

I tried routing HMP before, and I had something... kinda. I might continue after I get some good Center Perks runs. Mine sucks right now...

Manitoba, Canada

It really seems that you are two the only people active in the community. I tried to get some of my friends into this but they all just want to play casually. ):

Manitoba, Canada

A lot of it is not even correct, and easy to figure out on your own, but whatever helps I guess. Now, off to Center Perks!

Manitoba, Canada

Is 1 day Jungle possible?

Hawaii, USA

With crazy RNG, yes.

Hawaii, USA

And yeah, the community is super small. I've been talking to a few people and speedruns are all over YouTube people just don't submit times.

Manitoba, Canada

Ya, I'm trying my best to help out in the community right now... Do you really have a ManBun?

Manitoba, Canada

Ninja, can I have the San Pancho route? Or is it just in your head?

Hawaii, USA

Yep i have a manbun lol. and idk about San Poncho. Ninja does most of the routing because I don't know what's fast and what isn't. I just do what he does and get lucky :P

Hawaii, USA

He's the brains behind all of it, so hit him up on YouTube or twitter if you want to talk to him. He's been doing a lot of Learn to Fly 2

United States

Lol I'm not all the brains in the routing. I try to of new ways to run a level. I take other peoples routes and try to make them better by using the games mechanics. I haven't perfected San Pancho's route because the prison takes an hour to beat so I use kruugsmash's San Pancho run in 10 prisons any%. I don't really have the time to really route San Pancho route down to the millisecond but there is a straightforward path but the rng really screws with you.

Manitoba, Canada

When are you going to stream next? I want to watch!

United States

I barely stream at all lol. If you want Ill stream after the EOGs are over.

Manitoba, Canada

Also, my terrible PC will have this stalag run uploaded by around 10:30 central time (an hour and a half from now.) I have to get up super early for school tomorrow, so the run will be on the site by tomorrow morning. :) You can still take a look this evening on my youtube.

Manitoba, Canada

I was meaning ManBun for streaming lol

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