Installation guide
Installation guide
Updated 1 year ago by Riddim_GLiTCH

I have decided to write up a guide due to confusion about installation expressed in the forums. This guide will walk you through the installation of the modpack on Emulator, Original hardware, and the Wii U's vWii.

Please note that a massive update is in the works, and with this, the official installation method's will change. This guide will be updated by that time.


In order to play this mod, you need to prepare the following items.

For Emulator

For vWii/Original Wii

  • The Homebrew channel
  • Riivolution
  • A disc copy of Mario Kart Wii (USB Loaders are not officially supported)

Setting up an Emulator

You can play this mod on Dolphin emulator with the recent builds adding Riivolution support. Its not perfect, but it works well enough for NMKW. To begin, you will want to extract the zip file with the emulator inside to a location that is easy to remember. I recommend making a folder on the Desktop named "Dolphin", and extracting the zip to that folder. Next you will need to make a folder for your Wii games. And place your Mario Kart Wii ISO in there. Now open the Dolphin folder and run the emulator. Add the wii games folder to your game paths. If you havent done this yet, you can simply do so by double-clicking on the empty space of the emulator window. Refresh the list to make sure the game shows up. Now you will need to add the mod, Download the latest version and extract it. You will want to put the "Riivolution" and "NMKW" folders in the Riivolution load folder. On windows you can find this folder at user/documents/dolphin emulator/load/Riivolution. Please be aware that you are putting a folder named "Riivolution" into a folder of the same name. Not its contents, the folder itself. Go back to Dolphin, right-click on Mario Kart Wii, and select "Start with Riivolution patches". Make sure the main mod is set to enabled, and click start. You are now playing Newer Mario Kart Wii.

Setting up a vWii

The Wii U is perfectly capable of running modded Wii games. Its backwards compatibility with the Wii is nearly 100%. To install the Homebrew channel is a bit tricky. Follow this guide to install CFW on both the Wii U and vWii. for this method you will need CFW on the Wii U. From here, you can follow the same steps for Original hardware to install the modpack.

Setting up Original hardware

Important: THIS IS NOT A CTGP MYSTUFF MOD. PLACING THE ARCHIVE IN CTGP WILL DO NOTHING. To begin, make sure you have the Homebrew Channel installed. If you havent already, download and install the Riivolution applet on your wii's SD-card. You can find the most recent build of Riivolution here: Put the Riivolution folder from the zip in the apps folder on your SD-card. Next, download the latest version of the modpack and extract it to the root of your SD-card. (so not in any folder.) Eject the SD-card and insert it into your Wii, then open the Homebrew channel. Find Riivolution and launch it. You may want to click on "Install" before doing anything to install the riivolution channel to your Wii menu. Making it easier to start playing mods. Make sure the Mario Kart Wii disc is inserted in your system. Riivolution should come up with a page called Newer Mario Kart Wii. Make sure the option for "main mod" is enabled. CTGP users should check if there is a page for CTGP and disable its options. If left enabled, Riivolution will just start CTGP instead. After enabling/disabling the settings, click on start. You should now be loading into Newer Mario Kart Wii.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the official discord.

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Hey there! Long time no speak! So as we are in current development of v1.0 nearing the end I just wanted to say what will happen here. So I will be making a new board for v1.0 and changing this one to be a "Catagory extensions" board allowing for this beta to be run even after v1.0. The only change

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