I'm RonanB23, welcome to Moto everyone! I've been running this game for a few months now, but didn't think to use Livesplit or request it here until about 2 weeks ago. Hope to get this game to a GDQ event possibly one day!
Could someone explain me why was i modded for this game. i don't really know anything about this game and i'm not really planning to run the game too. If you would be kind enough to unmod me pls, it would be cool.
grntsz likes this
New Recording Rule
As of July 23rd, 2024, All top 3 runs (including level runs) must show the ENTIRE run
This applies to all games in the series
Runs without video submitted before this date will stay on the leaderboard
Recent runs
Level: Level 28
Level: Level 11
Level: Level 3
Level: Level 3
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