My speed run
3 years ago

Look please my speedrun

TheNo_Named likes this

YoU fOrGoT tO dIsAbLe MuLtIpLaYeR

ACE234dm likes this

close to wr tbh


HandyyyPe What to do to add to the list of records?


submit the run lmao

HandyyyPE likes this
London, England

man said list of records lmao

North Holland, Netherlands
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

@LettoShelby Sorry for all these meanies being mean to you Go search Bedrock edition Then Go Click on submit After that link your youtube videos And then fill out all the other stuff So ur speedrun is glitchless So Do Glitchless And your speedrun is On Mobile So Choose Mobile And then choose Your Platform So choose one of these Android Ios Etc

Hope i helped you dude and its not list of records it's a leaderboard I think yours will be 1st,2nd,3d or 4th Very well done dude!!!!

Get Ready For The Money Flowing in

@theCoolerwolf dont spread false information he will not be 1st2nd3rd or 4th, look at the boards before getting someones hopes up


@theCoolerwolf also it is not glitchless, its glitched

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The MCBE leaderboard will not be accepting videos uploaded to discord as proof

Starting today the moderators of Minecraft: Bedrock Edition and Minecraft: Bedrock Edition Category Extensions will be rejecting any new runs submitted with it's sole proof being a discord attachment.

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6 months ago
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