are loading screens gonna be counted during a run?
3 years ago

are loading screens gonna be counted during a speedrun or not?

European Union

At the moment, yes


Why is it going to be counted to a run? I think it's unfair for people who have weaker devices

Buckindar likes this
European Union

Its being counted because despite 8 verifiers/moderators, there are 52 runs in the queue waiting to get verified. Now image if we had to retime every single one of those to account for loading times, including the 1+ hour runs. We would also need to retime every single run ever verified to this leaderboard.

Offrythem likes this

I like that one out of the 52 runs is my run

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The MCBE leaderboard will not be accepting videos uploaded to discord as proof

The MCBE leaderboard will not be accepting videos uploaded to discord as proof

Starting today the moderators of Minecraft: Bedrock Edition and Minecraft: Bedrock Edition Category Extensions will be rejecting any new runs submitted with it's sole proof being a discord attachment.

Discord, a pop

6 months ago